Saturday, August 18, 2012

Convert GIS Data to AUTOCAD

Department of Survey in Nepal has been providing the topographic maps of whole Nepal in digital format. To be more exact, it provides the contour maps of whole Nepal in Nepalese coordinate system (modified UTM) in either 1:25000 or 1:50000 scale. If you have ARCGIS version 9.2 or 9.3 with 3d-Analyst extension, you can easily convert the digital map from GIS format to AUTOCAD format. I shall explain the procedure of doing this in a layman language and hope it will help a lot of us in our  studies and work. Following are the step by step procedures:
1.       Open ARCGIS map.

2.       Open ARCGIS Catalogue.

3. Drag the file from Arc Catalogue to the ARC map window to its left side area.  Drag only the file with name starting like “Topo LN…”

4.      Open the 3d analyst
  Click 3d analyst
   Click convert> convert features to 3d

5.     Select the contour file
    Click input feature attribute and select "COV" form the field.

6.     save the file in your desired location and click ok.

7.     click the arc tool box. "red box"
      click "index" at its bottom
      type'export to cad"

8.      Select the file and location and ok.
      Open the exported file in AUTOCAD.

You can also export other data except TOPO_LN to cad. You just don't have to convert them to 3d. Just export to cad.
 If you have any questions regarding this please mail me the query at